
Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Teaching motivation is very important at the beginning of a course since it makes people learn with enthusiasm while they do something. What I learned in TKT module on motivation is that there are some factors that influence motivation. For instance, people want to learn a language because it can help to enhance their lifestyle by finding a better job, getting onto a course of study, getting good remarks from the teacher or booking hotel rooms. By getting one of these they feel that they have achieved practical things in their lives. Another factor is the interest in the target language culture. Learning a new culture can be a motivation to learn a new language because it is very gripping to know more about music, national costume, traditions or holidays from the country. Furthermore, it is essential people feel good about learning a language and it is important the learner´s confidence since when we feel that we can do things successfully we find motivation to go on. Also, it must exist the responsability, that is, the learner autonomy that means his own control when learning something and a sense of achievement. However, there are also learners who are unmotivated, there is no motivation to learn, or demotivated, students have lost their motivation. 
Teachers have to motivate learners by letting them choose their own topics to write or speak something in the target language because they will be pleased by selecting what they really like.
You could read more information on motivation in this webpage:

1. Varderbilt University, (2014), motivating students, retrieved form: 
2. Benson, P. (2012), Learner autonomy, retrieved from:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good!
      Your reflection is outstanding. You really used the most important terms which are frequently used in TKT exams.
      Now, I understood that the difference between unmotivation and demotivation are that:
      Unmotivation is when no motivation or encouragement has been presented, while demotivation is when students feel down because of somebody´s negative comments, tiredness, etc.

  2. Excellent use of the TKT terms, through tha you show a clear understanding on what is motivation, how it influences on students learning!
    I like your reflection a lot!

  3. Outstanding.! I really liked your posts since they have new information that we did not see in the boook.
    Good job.

  4. Excellent post Verito! It is important to take our Students' opinions into account because it will show that we care about them and that we respect their needs and feelings. As a result, they will be motivated to improve and never stop learning.

  5. Good reflection Veritoi, you choose to analyse the differente elements that motivation can involves, this is important in the classroom as the tool for identify possible issues in the precisely moment.

  6. Dear Verito,
    Your post was inspiring, as I am very interested in motivation.Thanks so much for broadening my knowledge. Also, I would teach it in a way there they would tell you about their subject of interest to start, but it should be fun to explore.
