
Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Mistakes are said to be an important part in learning a language because it allows learners to realize about their mistakes, hence, they will manage to correct them little by little. In this unit I learned that mistakes are subdivided into error and slips. The former occurs when learners try to say something that surpasses their current level of knowledge or language processing (working on the language unconsciuously to try to understant and learn it), that is, they cannot correct errors themselves since they do not realize what is wrong. The latter is caused  by tiredness, or emotions that affect their development when they are learning the target language. I also realized that there are two main reasons why second language learners make mistakes. The first reason is the influence that the first language (mother tonge/L1) causes on the second language (L2). This is called interference or transfer, i.e. learners use sound patterns, lexis or grammatical structures from their own language in English. The second reason is due to their unconsciousness or they are not aware on what they are working out. This kind of error is called developmental error. This error is commonly found in all learners.
There are errors that last for a long time, that is, learners do not stop making them, these fossilised errors may be the result of lack of exposure to the target language or can be the result from their lack of motivation to enhance their lever.
Having studied the role of errors, I will apply this knowledge in the class by making students be aware on their speaking by recording their presentations and asking them to listen to their  recordings so that they can realize wher they failed. 
Watch this video which contains more information about the topic.
1. Sapir, Ingrid. (2014),The role of error analyses in Teacher Development, retrieved from:
2.  Marcy, Peggy. (2013), Interlanguage and Error Analysis, retrieved from:


  1. Excelent!
    I really enjoyed watching and consequently learning how teachers should develop their classes. It was very teachery and analitic, so that we get prepared for being in front of our students.

  2. Verónica, your reflection is very well done! It is now clear for me that mistakes mustn't be something students should be afraid of, instead it is a way of learning.
    According to the video, I like it and the part that caught my attention is especially when the speaker says that for teacher it is important to know the background of the learner's mistake in order to avoid the fossilization of it.

  3. Your comment about this unit is really clear, I like the way how you describe the use of this topic in the classroom with our students, I agree with you about the use of this element in an EFL classroom. I found that your links have very useful information about this content.
    Nice job

  4. Excelent video Verito, this kind of material help me to understand the objective in this topic.....
