
Saturday, December 6, 2014


From this unit I learned that assessment is an important part in teaching language.  Teachers utilize different methods to assess learners.  Assessment tasks are the tasks educators use for assessing learners. Informal assessment involves observing the learners on something that they are doing and giving them comments on their performance. Formal assessment uses tests or exams to assess learners and give their work a mark. Diagnostic test is taken at the beginning of a course to find out what students know and do not know. Placement test, the information obtained in this test will be used to place students in the correct level. Progress test is taken when has finished the first part of a course and it measures what learners have learned. There are also other ways to assess learners like portfolios, students collect their works done during the course and then is presented to the teacher. I also learned that assessment tasks are often named as objective, there is only one answer, and subjective, the marker has to decide if an answer is right or how right it is. I would apply the knowledge acquired in this unit by taking students a diagnostic test which is necessary to know learners’ weaknesses and strengths before starting a course.

1. Griffith University (2012), Assessment matters, retrieved from:
2. Colorincolorado webcast (2014), Assessment of English Language Learners, retrieved from:


  1. While I was reading your reflection I found new information about types of ASSESSMENT, because we as future teacher need to know how, when and what is the porpuse of an evaluation. Also, we need to know what task types involves formal assessment before starting to desing (multiple-choice, transformation exercises, filling gaps, etc.)
    Good Job Veronica!

  2. Great job Veronica!
    Your reflection shows useful and main information about this topic. I could clarify mi ideas. AlSO I have checked the links you shared and they are so interesting that I can use for planning formall tests. Thanks

  3. Dearest Verito
    I liked your reflection because it reflects how much you know about the unit and the websites are suporting what you say...

  4. Dear Verónica,
    I agreed with you because the assessment as learning develops and supports students' metacognitive skills. This form of assessment is crucial in helping students become lifelong learners. As students engage in peer and self-assessment, they learn to make sense of information, relate it to prior knowledge and use it for new learning. Students develop a sense of ownership and efficacy when they use teacher, peer and self-assessment feedback to make adjustments, improvements and changes to what they understand.
    Great Job.
